Art and Low Vision

I like the fact that when you take part, everyone has the same opportunities, because only blind and partially sighted people take part.

What’s more, the fact that other people can see what we’re able to do despite our visual impairment is very important to me. Kaitlyn Bruyninckx 15 ans

Taking part in this competition is great because it means that a wholeTaking part in this competition is great because it means that everyone will be able to see what we can do despite our visual impairment, and that encourages me a lot.
chacun pourra voir ce que nous pouvons faire malgré notre déficience
visuelle et cela m’encourage beaucoup. Kaitlyn Bruyninckx 15 ans

When it knocks on a door, disability is never concerned with skin color, language or social status; it just knocks.
How do you convince, how do you inspire, how do you tell people they can rediscover their long-lost passions, how do you reach out to someone who may no longer see their own hand, how do you tell those hands what to do, how do you guide their hands towards the gestures of a habit they thought were forbidden?
To be able to show and share the fruit of our dreams, to be able to overcome forced isolation like others do, is a victory that was unimaginable yesterday.
At the heart of the fog that surrounds you, a treasure remains: the treasure of remembering or imagining, the treasure of being able to draw or paint anything, and to escape well beyond.
However, by what path, by what footbridge, can we reach out? Why not a competition open to all visually impaired artists, accessible to all.

See winners’ artworks

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